Saturday, August 25, 2007

Petitions and Privacy

With the internet we all lose some privacy. Today is taking that to a new level. is a site dedicated to embarrass those persons who would sign a petition that is anti-gay. In the states of Oregon, Massachusetts, and Florida there have been anti-gay legislation put on the ballot through petitions. In every state many laws have come to be laws by petitions that get the item onto a ballot for voting by the public. wants you to know who signs these petitions. The name and address of everyone that signs these petitions is public information and not private. is run by the Christ Church of Peace of Florida. It is their belief that one should not be able to sign ant-gay or any hate petitions anonymously. All the names of persons signing these petitions are now seen on the major search engines like Google and Yahoo. For example, type in John Doe in Google and if this person has signed one of these petitions, the site will be one of the sites listed for the search. John Doe will have his name associated with the petition he signed forever. Since is a high volume site, this listing will be one of the first shown for the previously unknown signer.

In today’s world everything is far from private and virtually everything we do becomes public information. Signing petitions has now become one more thing on that long list of items that are public domain. Lesson, don’t sign anything that you don’t want your neighbors, employers, or fellow church members to know about. Think before you sign because your name will be associated with the petition for the rest of your life.

Link to site:

By Kevin Rothe, not anonymous, of Greeley CO For more blogs, go to

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