Monday, December 26, 2005

Carbon Dioxide levels

"Current levels of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere are higher now than at any time in the past 650,000 years. "

According to the BBC, methane levels are 130% higher than any other time in 2/3 of a million years. Also, the rate of increase is 200 times faster than any increase over the same time period. I find this fascinating. I have always been a sceptic when it comes to the theory of the planet warming due to green-house gases. I do wonder how these high levels affect millions of people with breathing problems. Can the high levels of methane and carbon dioxide increase cancer risks?

I have always wondered why they say that the warmer the planet gets, the less vegetaion there will be on it. In the past, millions of years ago when the temperature was significantly higher, there were no deserts and no polar ice caps. I also wonder if the higher levels of carbon dioxide would enable plants to grow faster. Carbon dioxide is a fertilizer and in true green-houses it does improve plant growth.

Just a thought. by Kevin Rothe, Greeley CO

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