Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Government Spying

Our government is spying on Americans - unapologetically, unnecessarily and with no regard for the Constitution.

I am a firm believer that our government should and does have the responsibility to protect its citizens from terrorism. I believe that our government should use all means necessary to stop any attack like "9/11" from happening again. BUT, if we allow our government to become like the nations we are protected from, what is the point. I don't believe that it is o.k. to cheat to catch a cheater; I don't believe that it is o.k. to lie to catch a liar. Our government was based on the ideals of freedom and many many rights for all of its citizens. Once we embark on this journey of government intrusion, we will never go back. I have found in my experience as well as history teaches us, once freedom is lost it is very hard to get back.

I am not sure I know the answers to stop terrorism. I want to feel safe while living in the United States of America. I do not, however, want to fear my government like I fear other governments. I am more scared of US terrorism than terrorism committed by others. US terrorism will not be stopped, will not be held accountable, and I have no other choice but to live in a dictatorship gone wild.

I believe that all Americans should search deep inside their hearts and ask if the threat of terrorism is great enough to replace our free democracy with a Bush dictatorship. by Kevin Rothe, Greeley CO

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